Cultural Appreciaton
Our Cultural Appreciation programs are delivered by qualified award-winning Aboriginal facilitators that use real life experiences to heighten the learning experience for participants.
Cultural Appreciation will give you the foundation to build an environment that is culturally safe which will position your organisation as an employer of choice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. In addition, it will reduce cultural risks within the workplace, challenge attitudes and behaviours, increase engagement and assist to successfully attract and retain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership
Our leadership workshops are designed to assist participants to reconnect with cultural leadership frameworks and values as well as understanding modern leadership principles and theories. In doing so participants will gain the tools to walk effortlessly between two worlds.
Please contact us to find out more.

Aboriginal Games
We offer contemporary Aboriginal games for primary schools.
These programs are designed to help build an appreciation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in a fun and engaging way.
Activities are based around your basic sporting mechanics, such as running, jumping, throwing, kicking and catching to ensure that they are inclusive for all primary school children including special needs classes.
Contact us to find out more.